Eagles Alarm Ministries

Sept.06, 1998



“For the Lord led the children of Isreal out of bondage”, thus saith the Lord. “They drank from that Spiritual Rock that followed them. I am that Spiritual Rock, I am Jesus Christ the Lord.
Some of them mummered in the wilderness and they were destoyed of the destoyer, for they tempted Me with their evil ways. See that you are dedicated and true to Me and that you are obiedent. For many temptations come, but pray that your inner man be strong that you may stand against the enemy.
The Holy Spirit that is within you is mighty. Strive to obtain that incorruptable crown. I will never leave you nor forsake you. Nothing can separate you from the love of Christ.
The road gets more narrow as we follow on, but the light gets brighter as we go. Just follow that light, I am the Light. I am the Way and the Truth and the Life. Follow after Me for I love you and I am your God.” Thus saith the Lord.




Copyright 2008 Eagles Alarm Ministries