G-d uses four expressions of redemption in describing our exodus from Egypt
and our birth as a nation (Exodus 6:6-7):
1. "I will take you out..."
2. "I will save you..."
3. "I will redeem you..."
4. "I will take you as a nation..."
There are a number of explanations as to the significance of each of these
expressions. Here are two basic explanations:
1. Salvation from harsh labor-this began as soon as the plagues were
2. Salvation from servitude; or the day the Jews left Egypt geographically
and arrived at Ramses.
3. The miracles wrought in Egypt, which inspired the Egyptians to "redeem"
their lives by letting the Jews go; or the splitting of the sea, after
which the Jews felt completely redeemed, without fear of the Egyptians
recapturing them.
4. Becoming a nation at Sinai.