Intercession Almighty Yahuweh, the Father of all man kind, who hast commanded us to make intercession for all men, by Your Spirit hear our Prayer: That it may please Thee to regard with favor the commerce of our country; so that men everywhere may be in their transactions upright and honorable, in their workmanship conscientious and thorough; and that dishonesty, and avarice, and selfishness may speedily cease. That it may please Thee to prosper all colleges and schools of sound learning; to enlighten and fill with Thy fear all who teach and train the young, and endow with knowledge and skill all who practice the arts of healing. That it may please Thee to bless the city in which we live; may our first men be our wisest and best; may knowledge, virtue and religion grow in our midst; and may we all so cultivate the spirit of fairness and charity that our opinions may not bitterly divide us, nor our practices dishonor us, nor our conflicts leave us unkind. Almighty Yahuweh, with whom do live the spirits of those who departed hence, and who hast knit all Thy saints in one communion unto life eternal, make us thankful for all the grace and mercy bestowed on those whom Thou hast taken to Thyself. Keep alive in our hearts the remembrance of their goodness; and give us grace to cherish the hope that when the day breaks and the shadows flee away, we shall meet them again in Thy presence with exceeding joy; Through Yahushua Messiah (Jesus Christ) our Master. Amen. Eagle’s Alarm Ministries 814-938-4649
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